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First Live Birth in Germany after Re-Transplantation of Cryopreserved Ovarian Tissue: Original Device for Initiation of Ice Formation by Vladimir Isachenko, Evgenia Isachenko, Gudrun Keck, Ralf Dittrich, Markus Montag, Hans Van Der Ven, Peter Mallmann, Andreas Müller, Wolfgang Distler, Matthias W. Beckmann, Gohar Rahimi

Background: The problem of post-cancer infertility is of significant concern. The cryopreservation of ovarian tissue before cancer therapy with retransplantation after convalescence is the key to solving this problem.
Methods: Cryopreservation of ovarian tissue was performed in 2005 after surgical operation, post-operative low-temperature 22 hour transportation, and freezing using a special, original design block constructed for the initiation of ice formation (ice-seeding). We present the construction and function of this block.
Results: In 2011, it was noted that a baby was born after thawing and re-transplantation of ovarian tissue. The technical and biological aspects of initiated crystals formation in the process of cryopreservation are emphasised and discussed.
Conclusions: The first live birth in Germany after re-transplantation of cryopreserved ovarian tissue was noted. This cryopreservation was performed using the protocol described here. Block for auto-seeding of principally new construction recommended.

DOI: 10.7754/Clin.Lab.2012.120224