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Spurious High Platelet Count without PLT Flag(S) in a Patient with Severe Aplastic Anaemia by Luyun Peng, Rui Shi, Feng Lu, Ge Zhang

Background: Platelet (PLT) count is one of the most important parameters of automated hematology, as spurious PLT reports could affect medical judgement and bring significant risks. In most cases, spurious PLT will not be reported for review criteria, which will be triggered by abnormal PLT histograms and PLT flag(s). Here, we present a case of severe aplastic anemia after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation with spurious high platelet count with normal histogram and no PLT flag(s).
Methods: The electrical impedance channel (PLT-I) and the fluorescence channel (PLT-F) of Sysmex XN-series hematology analyzer was used to obtain PLT results. Then, the sample was retested by another hematology analyzer MINDRAY BC-7500 [NR] CRP, and incubation was performed to rule out cryoglobulin interference. Furthermore, a microscope was used to estimate the PLT count by the ratio of platelets to red blood cells and observe the morphology of cells.
Results: Both PLT-I and PLT-F test results were spuriously high, and microscopically assessed platelet counts were relatively reliable. The observed spiny cells and ghost cells caused by hemolysis may have contributed to the inaccuracy of instrumental counting in this case.
Conclusions: For special hematologic patients, PLT-I with flags may not be sufficient for screening purposes and PLT-F is not always accurate. Multiple testing methods including manual microscopy are needed.

DOI: 10.7754/Clin.Lab.2023.231119