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Abstract |
Semiquantitative Analysis of the Results of an Image-Based Urine Sediment Analyzer Considering the Preanalytical Factors |
Background: Automated microscopic platforms are increasingly used in clinical laboratories for rapid analysis of samples. However, it is important to present the results quantitatively or semiquantitatively because automated platforms use various technologies for analysis as well as different sediment preparation methods. The results of cell counting using an on screen image review program for the cobas u 701 analyzer (Roche Diagnostics Interna-tional, Rotkreuz, Switzerland) differed from those obtained by manual microscopic examination (MME). This study was performed to investigate the difference of results among analyzer, on-screen image review and MME. Methods: Freshly collected urine specimens from outpatients were used. We calculated the mean, standard deviation, and 95% confidence interval for red and white blood cell (RBC/WBC) quantitative results obtained using the cobas u 701 analyzer. These results were compared to those obtained by manual counting. RBC and WBC counts determined with the cobas u 701 analyzer were compared to those obtained by MME per unit field.