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Two Cases of Pseudoelevation of Plasma D-Dimer Levels by Lihong Zhang, Guoxiang Bao, Zhuan Zheng

Background: D-dimer is a molecular marker of fibrin degradation and fibrinolytic system activation and is an effective indicator for early diagnosis of thrombotic diseases, monitoring of thrombolytic therapy, and efficacy evaluation; therefore, the accuracy of D-dimer test results is of great significance to the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in clinical practice.
Methods: This paper reports two cases of pseudoelevation of plasma D-dimer levels by different test systems.
Results: In case 1, the abnormal increases in the results of the ACL TOP 700 analyzer were considered to be the pseudoelevation caused by interferences, and the abnormal increases in the STA-R Max results were considered to be the pseudoelevation caused by interferences in case 2.
Conclusions: Laboratories should be equipped with two different brands of test systems and reagents to identify suspicious test results in a timely manner and avoid adverse events.

DOI: 10.7754/Clin.Lab.2021.210203