Background: To study the urinalysis request, pre-analytical sample conditions, and analytical procedures. Methods: Laboratories were asked to provide the number of primary care urinalyses requested, and to fill out a questionnaire regarding pre-analytical conditions and analytical procedures. Results: 110 laboratories participated in the study. 232.5 urinalyses/1,000 inhabitants were reported. 75.4% used the first morning urine. The sample reached the laboratory in less than 2 hours in 18.8%, between 2 - 4 hours in 78.3%, and between 4 - 6 hours in the remaining 2.9%. 92.5% combined the use of test strip and particle analysis, and only 7.5% used the strip exclusively. All participants except one performed automated particle analysis depending on strip results; in 16.2% the procedure was only manual. Conclusions: Urinalysis was highly requested. There was a lack of compliance with guidelines regarding time between micturition and analysis that usually involved the combination of strip followed by particle analysis.
DOI: 10.7754/Clin.Lab.2018.171239