Six thyroid analytes (free and total triiodothyronine and thyroxine, thyrotropin and thyroglobulin) have been followed up over a 10 year period in a national external quality assessment scheme (EQAS) organised by the Institute for Standardisation and Documentation in the Medical Laboratory (INSTAND).
- The following points were observed:
- The introduction of samples with properties similar to patient serum (filtered, recalcified defibrinated plasma without stripping) improved performance and inter-method comparability for the free thyroid hormones.
- In general, the performance in EQAS has improved over the past decade, an exception being thyroglobulin, where precision has improved at the expense of inter-method comparability.
- Regular statistical analysis of EQAS data allows adjustment of target ranges to be made when necessary.
- Analytes which are not dependent on binding proteins – thyrotropin and the total thyroid hormones – give rise to similar performance when stripped and spiked plasma or recalcified non-stripped and spiked plasma is used as sample.
- Whereas certain analytes have had a relatively constant number of participants over the past decade (total thyroid hormones), others have shown a drastic increase (free thyroxine from 67 to 620; thyrotropin from 295 to 724) reflecting the medical demand for the analytes.
DOI: Clin. Lab. 2004;50:333-346