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DNA-Based Identification of a Carbonized Victim by Kinship Analysis by Raluca Dumache, Alexandru F. Rogobete, Veronica Ciocan, Camelia O. Muresan, Alexandra Enache

Background: Our study will present the DNA identification of a carbonized victim using the DNA genotyping and by comparing the victim’s DNA genotype with his parents’ genotypes.
Methods: Blood obtained from the heart chambers was used for the identification of the carbonized body’s genotype. Biological samples were also obtained by buccal swabs from his biological parents. We used an ABI 7500 real-time PCR system for quantification and a ProFlex PCR System to amplify. PCR products were separated on an ABI 3500 genetic analyser and identified using GeneMapper ID-X vers. 1.4 software.
Results: We obtained the three DNA genotypes (mother, father, and carbonized victim). Using maternity and paternity DNA testing we established that the victim’s genetic profile matched the DNA profiles of his biological parents. The probability of maternity (PM) and probability of paternity (PP) were of 99.99999% for each of the parents.
Conclusions: Body fluids (blood, saliva) represent a better source for DNA compared to hard tissue, and its processing times are shorter than those for bone or teeth.

DOI: 10.7754/Clin.Lab.2017.170125