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Literature Research Regarding miRNAs’ Expression in the Assessment and Evaluation of the Critically Ill Polytrauma Patient with Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Injury by Lavinia M. Bratu, Alexandru .F. Rogobete, Marius Papurica, Dorel Sandesc, Carmen A. Cradigati, Mirela Sarandan, Raluca Dumache, Sonia E. Popovici, Dan C. Crisan, Horia Stanca, Sonia Tanasescu, Ovidiu H. Bedreag

Background: One of the most severe conditions specific to the critically ill polytrauma patient is traumatic brain injury and traumatic spinal cord injury. The mortality rate is high in the case of these patients, both because of the direct traumatic lesions, and because of the pathophysiological imbalances associated with trauma. Amongst the most common pathologies associated with the critically ill polytrauma patients responsible for a lower survival rate, are redox imbalance, systemic inflammatory response, infections, and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome.
Methods: For this study, was analysed the literature available on PubMed. The key words used in the search were “traumatic brain injury”, “spinal cord injury”, “microRNAs expression”, “polytrauma patients”, and “biomarkers”.
Results: For the study were selected 34 science articles. The oxidative attack on lipids is responsible for the biosynthesis of an increased quantity of free radicals, which further intensifies and aggravates the redox status in these patients.
Conclusions: A new era for biomarkers is represented by the expression of miRNAs. In the case of the critically ill polytrauma patient, using miRNAs’ expression as biomarkers for the evaluation and monitoring of the molecular and pathophysiological dysfunctions can bring a range of valuable answers that could contribute to an increased survival rate.

DOI: 10.7754/Clin.Lab.2016.160327